Free Exchange benefit: You can trade in any glass for any reason at any time. Pick out your desired glass on line, add it to the cart, your card will be authorized for the Buy Now price less 20% and the authorization will be removed if you return your trade in glass within 14 days. If you do not return your trade in glass within the 14 days your card will then be charged.
Member Discount: Any glass that you buy either on line or at an expo event will be discounted at the time of purchase by 20% off the Buy Now price. If you are buying at an expo please bring your cell phone with your membership identification. This benefit is not available at retail outlets.
Loss Replacement: One glass can be purchased per calendar year for 50% off the internet Buy Now price. Contact customer service at to request a loss replacement discount code. You will receive the annual one time discount code upon verification of your account.
Free Glass: Annually USA-Sport will ship to you a free pair of Naute glasses at no charge to you. Thank you for the loyalty to our brand.
Donation of returned glasses: USA-Sport will, whenever possible, re-furbish all trade in glasses and donate them to a needy cause. For every three glasses traded in and re-furbished, Naute will add a fourth glass to the cause.
Shipping location: All glasses will be shipped to your membership address.
Shared Benefits: The only benefit that can go to a non-member is the fact that you can buy a glass for 20% off and give that to a non-member. All other benefits of the loyalty program are for the exclusive use of loyalty members.
Abuse: If USA-Sport feels the program is being abused by a member they are subject to loss of membership.